First survey on Knowledge, attitude and practices about parasitic diseases among the population in the center of Morocco

the case of leishmaniasis


  • Hajar El Omari Natural Resources Management and Development Team, Laboratory of Health and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, 50000Meknes, Morocco Author
  • Abdelkader Chahlaoui Natural Resources Management and Development Team, Laboratory of Health and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, 50000Meknes, Morocco Author
  • Abdelhakim El Ouali Lalami Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques Fez, Regional Health Directorate, EL Ghassani Hospital, 30000 Fez,Morocc Author



Leishmaniasis, Sandfly, Knowledge, attitude, practices, Population


Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by infection by a leishmania-like flagellated protozoan whose only vector is an insect, Diptera, the sandfly. It is still a public health problem in several countries, notably in Morocco, where this pathology is widespread and is prevalent in sporadic or endemic forms.

In order to determine the knowledge of the population in terms of leishmaniasis, its vector and means of transmission of the disease, we carried out a survey during the year 2017 with the consulting population at the level of all Health Centers (H/C )(45 Health Centers ). The descriptive results are presented as percentages and numbers. The chi-square test was used to test the association between the variables. Values ​​of p <0.05 were considered significant. The calculation of chi² (X²) and the p-value are carried out using the software R.

The grouping of responses shows a lack of knowledge of leishmaniasis and phlebotomy by a large majority of the population (97% and 95%, respectively), whereas there is no correlation between the socio-economic level of the population and this lack of knowledge (chi2 = 2.8, p> 0.05), nor between the socio-economic level and the knowledge of the risk related to insects (chi-2 = 6.4, p> 0.05).

These data show the extent of the perception problems with parasitic diseases, particularly leishmaniasis and also the lack of awareness of the population against this scourge. Indeed, these data can be used to define measures to be taken to limit or even eradicate exposure, and subsequently risk.


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How to Cite

El Omari, H.; Chahlaoui, A. .; El Ouali Lalami, A. First Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Parasitic Diseases Among the Population in the Center of Morocco: The Case of Leishmaniasis. Probl Infect Parasit Dis 2020, 48 (2), 21-26.