Cryptosporidium, Strongyle, ZoonosisAbstract
The presence of intestinal parasites influences equines' well-being and working performance. However, the scenario of parasitism in working horses in the lowlands of Nepal is yet to be explored. The present study aimed to reveal the prevalence and diversity of intestinal parasites (protozoa and helminths) and to list the zoonotic species in working horses in the lowlands of Nepal. Fresh fecal samples (N=102) from horses were collected at two locations (Chitwan and Birgunj) in the lowlands of Terai and were transferred to the research laboratory. Coproscopy was carried out via direct wet mount, formalin ethyl acetate (FEA) sedimentation, saturated salt flotation, and acid-fast staining techniques. Coproscopy revealed an overall prevalence rate of 90.2% (92/102) with 15 known diverse species of parasites (Protozoa: 5 and Helminths: 10) and an unknown coccidian, out of which eight possess zoonotic potential. The prevalence and diversity of intestinal parasites were higher in adult than in young animals (90.7%; 15 spp. vs. 88.9%; 11 spp.) The overall prevalence of helminths was double that of protozoa (89.2% vs. 43.1%). Furthermore, polyparasitism was much more prevalent than monoparasitism (85.3% vs 4.9%). Co-infection with two parasite species (37%) was higher in young horses. In comparison, triplet infection (34%) was higher in adults, and a maximum concurrency of up to six species of parasites at a time was recorded. Following it, the differences in the prevalence rate of parasites based on the predictor of risks, like sex, grazing, domestication type, nature of the floor, and medication practices, were statistically significant. Working horses in the lowlands of Terai harbored a significant variety of intestinal parasites with important prevalence. Since eight of the reported parasitic species were zoonotic, infected horses pose a zoonotic risk to the owners. Therefore, timely deworming, pasture management, and reduction in working pressure are highly recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roshan Babu Adhikari, Madhuri Adhikari Dhakal, Tirth Raj Ghimire (Author)

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