Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, geographical diversity, LPAAbstract
Background: Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are generally free-living and have a potential to cause opportunistic infection. More than 190 species of NTM have been identified (, up to 60 species of them are pathogenic. The distribution is geographically specific for some species and others are cosmopolitan. Understanding their diversity has practical value for the treatment and management of NTM disease. Except for isolated reports, there is no accurate information about NTM spread among Bulgarian patients.
Material and Methods: We retrospectively analysed the data on the NTM isolated from patients throughout the country for the period from January 2010 to December 2017. Identification to the species level was done by Line Probe Assay (LPA).
Results: 586 NTM strains were identified. We calculated the rate of NTM isolation in Bulgaria and NTM disease incidence by applying microbiological criteria defined by the American Thoracic Society (ATS). As a result, the laboratory isolation rate amounted to 1/100 000 people for the period, and when applying only the ATS criteria, the prevalence of NTM disease was 0,23 per 100 000 people. In both cases, we reported that NTM disease incidence remains low as compared to tuberculosis, though with an increasing trend. The prevalence of NTM varied significantly between northern and southern Bulgaria, as well as between the capital and the rest of the country's regions.
Conclusions: Slow growing NTM species predominate in Bulgaria but rapidly growing ones have isolation levels higher than the average for Europe and closer to that of Asian countries. Given the demographic situation in Bulgaria and the changing climatic factors, NTM infections need special attention.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliana Atanasova, Stanislava Yordanova, Ana Baykova, Assoc. prof. Elizabeta Bachiyska, MD, PhD (Author)

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