What is done and prospects for future studies
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Diagnosis, serologyAbstract
Background: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LHMV) infection is a neglected rodent-borne zoonotic infection but it is found all over the world because of the cosmopolitan distribution of its reservoirs. The diagnostic of this disease is not widely applied that is why it has been underreported. The aim of this study is to investigate infection with LCMV in hospitalized patients in 2015-2022 in Bulgaria and to analyse the data compared to the worldwide data available in this field of research.
Materials/methods: A total of 66 serum samples and 25 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from 73 patients with suspected LCMV infection from different hospitals in Bulgaria were collected. All samples were tested with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Human LCMV-Ab ELISA, SSBT, China), based on the principle of double-antibody sandwich technique to detect Human LCMV-Antibody.
Results: A total of 11/91 (12.09%) positive samples were found in 5 males and 6 females throughout the study period. The positive samples were from patients from the cities: Sofia, Stara Zagora, Montana. A total of 3/25 (12%) positive samples were from CSF samples and 8/66 positive samples (12.12%) were from serum samples.
Conclusions: It’s found that this infection occurs in our country and should not be underestimated, due to the possible severe neurological course and the danger of fetal damage in pregnant women. The diagnosis of LCMV infection is based on previous experience, placed in the light of the continuous introduction of new more sensitive and specific approaches.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Teodora Gladnishka, Iva Trifonova, Vladislava Ivanova, Iva Christova (Author)

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